

Back in the day Thimerion was the local carillon player in Upplands Väsby in Sweden. His daily playing attracted the attention of 4 young guys who never spoke to him and fled when I tried to talk to them.

Thimerion’s playing was so loud and vivid that it broke the carillon on monthly basis, which led to him being blacklisted and expelled from the cathedral. That incident made him decided to start looking for an instrument that is more suitable for his powerful and unique playing. Keyboard seemed to be the best outcome and the rest is history.

Except, legend says that the 4 young guys who came to visit Thimerion daily where Joey Tempest, John Norum, Peter Olsson, and Tony Reno, who later formed a small band called Europe. These guys might have even stolen one of Thimerion’s carillon riffs for their most famous song in which keys are heavily involved, but that ‘final’ call is up to you to decide.

So, come and check out this keyboard god and help him to prove that he was the original creator of that lick to get back some of his missing royalties.